Extensive Knowledge of the Planning and Development System
A.B. Consulting is based in the historic town of Shrewsbury in Shropshire. We cover all of the UK providing a complete planning service to businesses and individuals.
The principal director is Alan Barker Dip.TP. Member of the Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI), who has worked in both urban and rural locations. He has extensive, up to date knowledge of the planning and development system and considerable experience of applications and appeals.
Specialists in Planning Proposal Presentation
In recent years the planning process has become more and more complicated due to additional burdens placed on both applicants and Local Planning Authorities through changes in legislation and practice. Many proposals fail due to the lack of pre-application discussion and detail put forward. Here at A.B. Consulting, we ensure that proposals are clearly presented and all relevant supporting evidence is included for scrutiny not only by the decision makers but also by the general public and interested parties. The emphasis is now on 'front loading' applications, which may include the need for detailed reports and studies to accompany the proposal as we feel that this is essential to ensure that the planning process goes as smoothly as possible, reducing future applications and appeals.